Documents for Business

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Laptop purchasing checklist

Laptop purchasing checklistWhen buying a laptop, the price and specification are usually the only considerations. But if you don't look at the possible safety issues, you could make an expensive mistake.Purchasing checklistYou can avoid, or at least r... Read more

Guidance note - contaminated land emergency control procedure

Guidance note - contaminated land emergency control procedureIf you identify, or even suspect, that land may be contaminated, both you and your staff need to know what actions to take. The best way of achieving this is to have a formal policy in plac... Read more

Dealing with health and safety inspectors checklist

Dealing with health and safety inspectors checklistIf you've heard that a health and safety inspector (from the HSE or local authority) is intending to visit, you'll want to be prepared. Our checklist will help you do just that. To keep it simple, it's ... Read more

Sick building syndrome checklist

Sick building syndrome checklistIf employees have complained that their health is being affected by their working environment, you may have a problem with sick building syndrome. If so, use our checklist to identify the problem areas.Sick building sy... Read more
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