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Introduction to this document

Staff briefing - being fuel efficient

This briefing addresses the importance of being fuel efficient, and the impact it has on the business and the environment.

What’s covered?

The aim of this Staff Briefing - Being Fuel Efficient is to remind staff about the legal, financial and ethical duties they each have when it comes to environmental issues.

Hazards and risks

The briefing identifies the hazards of not being fuel efficient and explains the issues of being wasteful. Under the risks identified you can explain the impact that poor fuel efficiency has on not only the business, but others that are impacted.

Control measures

The briefing then addresses what control measures you have in place to reduce the risks identified. It reminds staff of the responsibility to do their bit, such as driving smoothly, reducing the use of air conditioning, etc.

Key points

Attendees must take note of the following key points:

  • By saving fuel where possible you will be meeting financial, ethical and legal obligations.
  • The Company will strive to supply the most fuel efficient equipment.
  • The Company will regularly service and maintain equipment so it runs to its full efficiency.
  • You can do your part by switching off the engine when not moving, and by driving smoothly.”