Documents for Business

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Weil's disease policy

Weil's disease policyIf your staff are at risk of Weil's disease (otherwise known as Leptospirosis), it's essential that you take some simple precautions to protect them from infection. Set out your arrangements in a Weil's disease policy.What is Weil's d... Read more

Directors' health and safety checklist

Directors' health and safety checklistDirectors are more likely than ever to get the blame when there's a health and safety incident. Using our checklist will help them to avoid legal action. What's covered?Directors and other senior managers need to sh... Read more

Subcontractor management policy

Subcontractor management policyIf you carry out work through subcontractors, use our policy to demonstrate how you maintain control over their health and safety standards. Why do you need it?Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulatio... Read more

Method statement and risk assessment

Method statement and risk assessmentSo that your staff and others are made aware of the safe systems of work to be followed on your construction project, set them out in a method statement. This should be supported with a risk assessment. What's  cov... Read more

Non-compliance report

Non-compliance reportIf staff are caught breaking your health and safety rules you should consider making a record of what's happened. Use our non-compliance report for this purpose.Why do you need it?Staff who flout health and safety procedures not o... Read more

Daily excavations form

Daily excavations formGuidance issued by the HSE suggests that excavations should be inspected each shift before work starts and the results recorded. You can use our template to record your findings. Site details You should use the first part of the... Read more

Permits to work policy

Permits to work policyWhen construction or maintenance work carries a potential risk of serious injury - it's good practice to use a permit to work. Why not set out your policy on the topic using our template?What's covered?The Permits to Work Policy h... Read more

Workplace transport policy

Workplace transport policyIf you have control over any external space which is used by vehicles, then it's a good idea to have a policy on workplace transport. Our policy will help you.Why have a policy?Any employers with five or more employees are re... Read more

Contractor briefing

Contractor briefingWhen contractors' employees or subcontractors arrive on site you need to exchange information about any risks created by the work and explain the fire procedures etc. Use our briefing to provide a prompt of what's needed.What's  cove... Read more

Vibrating tools policy

Vibrating tools policyIf your staff use hand-held power tools, such as strimmers, chainsaws, hammer drills etc., then you'll need to comply with the Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005. Use our policy to set out your arrangements.What's cover... Read more
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