Documents for Business

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Flow chart - self-isolation

Flow chart - self-isolationThe coronavirus self-isolation rules change on a regular basis. This, combined with differences across the UK, can create confusion. Use our flow charts to ensure staff know what's required.The rulesWe have created our Flow ... Read more

Shared premises health and safety checklist

Shared premises health and safety checklistIf you control a premises which has more than one commercial tenant you'll have a mix of health and safety responsibilities. Use our checklist to audit your current arrangements.Who's in charge?You may have a ... Read more

Health and safety record keeping guide

Health and safety record keepingMany pieces of health and safety legislation include a requirement to retain records, such as risk assessments, accident reports, etc. Use our new guide to check that you're on track.Hidden requirementsTo ensure that yo... Read more

Flow chart - driving licence checks

Flow chart - driving licence checksIf staff drive for work purposes you must take basic precautions to ensure that they are properly licensed. Use our flow chart to make sure all the formalities are complied with.Checked upOur Flow Chart - Driving Li... Read more

Work at height checklist

Work at height checklistFalls are by far the most common cause of fatal accidents at work which is why there are specific regulations governing work at height. Our checklist will ensure your planned project is safe to proceed. In controlA Work at Hei... Read more

Register of health and safety legislation - substances

Register of health and safety legislation - substancesFor some businesses, it's a necessity to have a formal record of legislation which applies to its activities, e.g. if you're going for ISO 45001 certification. Our register will help.Putting togethe... Read more

Site paperwork checklist

Site paperwork checklistBefore work starts on a construction site, there are numerous pieces of health and safety paperwork to account for. Use our checklist to ensure your files, notices and processes are in order.Getting organisedHaving a proper pl... Read more

Coronavirus checklist - visitors and contractors

Coronavirus checklist - visitors and contractorsDue to coronavirus many businesses have put a stop to visitors and contractors coming on site, but some visits are necessary. Use our checklist to ensure that your arrangements are robust.Why you need i... Read more

Contact tracing support form

Contact tracing support formTo support the NHS Test and Trace strategy, some organisations are being asked to collect customer and visitor details. If this applies to you, use our form to gather the information.Our formOur Contact Tracing Support For... Read more

Flow chart - food deliveries

Flow chart - food deliveriesWhen staff take receipt of a food delivery it's critical that they carry out detailed checks before accepting it into your catering store. Our flow chart summarises how you should do this.What's included?Our Flow Chart - Foo... Read more
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