Documents for Business

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Summary of client's responsibilities

Summary of client's responsibilitiesClients of construction work have detailed responsibilities for health and safety under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015). Our summary will help you to understand what's required.wh... Read more

Construction site safety induction record

Construction site safety induction recordOur document helps to ensure that the right information is covered and provides a comprehensive record of what was included. Plus, it makes sure that completing the record is the worker's responsibility.  What... Read more

Construction minor works - pre-start checklist

Construction minor works - pre-start checklistBefore carrying out building alterations, repairs or maintenance, it's sensible to check that the key safety arrangements are in place. Use our checklist as a pre-requisite before any such work begins.Usin... Read more

H&S induction - site-based staff

H&S induction - site-based staffWhen you employ new staff, it's vital to make them aware of your health and safety arrangements. If they work on a construction site, use our document to identify what to cover and as a detailed record sheet. Get the me... Read more

Small contractor appraisal questionnaire

Small contractor appraisal questionnaire Before employing a contractor for the first time, you need identify that they're set up to manage safety risks. Our document will help you to do this.Limited arrangementsIf you employ contractors with fewer tha... Read more

Summary of designer's responsibilities

Summary of designer's responsibilitiesA designer is defined as an organisation or individual who either prepares or modifies a design for a construction project, or arranges or instructs someone else to do so.  Use our summary document to understand ... Read more

Construction welfare facilities checklist

Construction welfare facilities checklistSchedule 2 of the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 specifies the minimum welfare facilities to be provided on construction sites. Use our checklist to ensure you comply.What's covered?The p... Read more

Summary of principal contractor's responsibilities

Summary of principal contractor's responsibilitiesWhen a construction project involves more than one contractor a principal contractor must be appointed to take charge in accordance with the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2... Read more

Client's demolition and dismantling checklist

Client's demolition and dismantling checklistTaking down redundant buildings can be dangerous, even where small structures are involved. If you're planning this kind of work, use our checklist to make sure it's done safely and you meet your obligations ... Read more

Construction phase plan (CDM 2015)

Construction phase plan (CDM 2015)Under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 (CDM 2015), a construction phase plan is required for every job.  You can satisfy your legal duties by completing our master document.Legal requirement... Read more
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