Documents for Business

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Introduction to this document

Letter following grievance appeal meeting

After the grievance appeal meeting, you need to formally notify the employee in writing of the outcome. The decision on an appeal is normally final unless your grievance procedure specifically contains a right of further appeal to a higher level of management.

A final decision

After hearing the employee’s submissions on appeal, there are two possible outcomes. The first is that you decide to reject the appeal. This means the original decision on the employee’s grievance stands. The other option is that you uphold the whole of the employee’s appeal, in which case you will need to inform the employee of what steps you will be taking in response to your decision. Use our Letter Following Grievance Appeal Meeting to notify the employee of the outcome of their appeal and to spell out that the appeal is final. Then, place a copy on the employee’s personnel file. Finally, we’ve provided for the employee to expressly confirm they accept your decision on their grievance appeal if they are satisfied with it.