Documents for Business

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Introduction to this document

Change of job letter

This letter is for use when an employee changes job within the organisation.


Where an employee has agreed to a variation to one or more of the terms of their contract of employment, you need to ensure this is properly recorded in writing. If the change is to a less responsible or prestigious job, or one involving a reduction in pay or benefits, particular care must be taken to ensure that the employee agrees.


Probationary period

It may be appropriate to make the change of job subject to a probationary period, for example where the change has been agreed because the employee has been under-performing. Before imposing a probation period following a job change, consider what is to happen if the employee does not pass the probation period. If dismissal is a possible outcome this should be made clear to the employee and it is particularly important to follow an appropriate and fair procedure before terminating employment.


Statement of change

A change of job will change the terms and conditions required by law to be covered in the employee’s written statement of employment particulars, so you must give the employee written notification of this as soon as possible and not later than one month after the change takes effect. Our letter ensures that this is complied with.