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Training feedback form

Where you hold internal training events, you should always ask attendees to complete a training feedback form.  

Why ask for feedback?

You don’t have to hold internal staff training, unless it’s a legal, regulatory or continuing professional development requirement, but where you do, make sure you ask attendees to complete our Training Feedback Form at the end of the event. Feedback can help you identify improvements that can be made for the future, whether that’s as regards the content, the materials, the trainer or the venue. It can also assist you in identifying future staff training needs. You can use our form where staff have attended external training courses too. Such courses will generally ask attendees to complete their own feedback form on a voluntary basis, but you’ll never get to see those forms. So asking staff to complete your own feedback form on their return to the workplace can help you evaluate whether the external training is proving to be good value for money in terms of what benefit staff are deriving from it comparative to the cost.

Form contents

As well as providing the basic details about the event, i.e. the name of the course, the date, the location and the identity of the trainer, our form asks whether the employee found the training useful. If they didn’t, then you should consider why that was. If it’s because it wasn’t relevant to the content of their job, or because it was pitched at too basic a level comparative to their existing knowledge, then you might want to review your administrative arrangements for deciding who attends. It’s pointless having staff take time away from their job duties to undertake training that is of no benefit to them. Do be wary where the training is on personal development topics, such as time management, interpersonal skills or customer services; many employees believe they don’t need this type of training and so will say they didn’t find it useful, whereas, in reality, they’re probably the very employees who did need it! Our form then goes on to ask the attendee whether the event was too long, too short or about right. The answers you receive to this question may help you decide on the length of future training events; long sessions where the content isn’t interactive and is unvaried and monotonous can often result in reduced concentration and limited assimilation of the information being conveyed by the trainer. The next part of our form covers a five-point rating on various aspects of the event, ranging from excellent to poor. It asks attendees to rate such matters as the general content and structure of the training, the quality of the training materials, the knowledge and clarity of the trainer and the quality of the training venue. Finally, our form asks if the employee has any suggestions for further training. This question is useful as, by helping you establish staff training needs as identified by the employees themselves, it can assist you in planning your future internal training programme.