Documents for Business

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What's the position on insurance?You can't assume that the landlord will take care of all the insurance for the building. If you do, you might find yourself on the end of a claim that you have to pay yourself.  ... Read more

Licence to make alterations

Licence to make alterationsYou need to carry out some alterations to your premises. Your landlord's now given you the nod. Use our form to set out in detail what's been agreed between you so as to avoid any future misunderstandings.AdviceAs with almost... Read more

Letter to request court to enter judgment in default fixed amount

Letter to request court to enter judgment in default - fixed amountYou've issued your claim for an unpaid debt. The defendant hasn't filed a defence within the permitted timescale. Use our letter to send to court together with Form N225 in order to e... Read more

How to make a claim

How to make a claim What, where and how do you make a claim if an insured event occurs? The events in the immediate aftermath of a claim can be crucial and the steps you take can be very significant should your claim be disputed.... Read more

Minutes of a general meeting

Minutes of a general meetingAll companies must keep minutes of all proceedings of general meetings (GM). Make sure that your company records are kept in good order and up-to-date by using and completing our form at the end of each meeting.How's it don... Read more

Contents insurance

Contents insuranceYour stock, machinery and equipment are valuable items and integral to the business. It's a good idea, therefore, to check that these items are properly insured, so that your business can continue to function in the event of an emerg... Read more

Anything else to remember

Anything else to remember?A final checklist to help ensure you haven't overlooked anything - something that's easy to do when there are so many things to consider. ... Read more

Chattels checklist

Chattels checklistAnything moveable that is sold with a property is generally not considered to be part of it and so is not subject to stamp duty land tax (SDLT). The purchaser will save SDLT by allocating any of the purchase price to chattels. Equal... Read more

Buildings insurance

Buildings insuranceIf you either own or rent premises, having an adequate buildings insurance policy is essential. Don't be tempted to underinsure in order to save money. It could prove to be a false economy.... Read more

Letter to court to enter judgment not a fixed amount

Letter to court to request judgment - not a fixed amountYou've issued a claim but you're not in a position to fix the amount. The defendant's not filed a defence. Use our letter to send to the court with Form N205B to enter judgment against them in defa... Read more
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